Are You Feeding the Negative Emotion?

This is an extremely important topic because many times we overlook how we are feeding the emotions we are feeling. So, if you or anyone you know is constantly feeling the blues, feeling overwhelmed or feeling empty, this post will be of value for you.

If you are constantly feeling any “negative” emotion, have you considered the fact that perhaps you are unknowingly feeding that “negative” emotion? The reason why I write the word negative in quotation marks is because I don’t think any emotion is negative. However, they can turn negative when we don’t learn and understand that emotion that we are feeling.

Any emotion that you are feeling is just feedback from your soul. It is your job to sit with it for a bit and understand it. Just like you would sit with your child and listen to him/her when he/she is feeling a certain way, it’s important that you do the same with yourself. This is a form of self-love and self-care. It is when we don’t do this that we start to neglect ourselves. When we neglect ourselves, those emotions that one would consider negative then turns negative,  which eventually then starts eating us up, affecting other areas of our life.

Our actions, apart from our thinking, also affect our emotions. So if you constantly find yourself feeling down, worried, anxious, etc., you have to consider the actions that you are taking. Are you feeding that emotion that you are feeling? If so, why?

You may wonder “how am I feeding this emotion if I don’t want to feel this way?!” Well, good question! We don’t intentionally do this but sometimes we do. The way you may be constantly feeding that emotion is if, say for example, you are feeling depressed and so you feel like not doing anything. The very act of not doing anything, just sitting there and not going out, not getting yourself dressed, is feeding that emotion. If you feel fear of doing something that you know would be very helpful for you and would move you forward, you giving into that fear is feeding that emotion.

I know it is easier said that done but it is necessary to be conscious of the actions you take and not feed that emotion. If you feel very down and you feel like not doing anything, do the opposite of what you are feeling. Do something because this will break what you are feeling. The more you keep feeding that emotion, the worse you will feel. This is when it becomes a cycle that seems difficult to break.

For your well-being, it is a must to be conscious of your actions and feelings. It is a must to break any emotion that can become negative for you. You break it by not feeding that emotion. You stop feeding it by doing the opposite of what you are feeling.

With today’s post, I would like to encourage you that if you are feeling the blues on a consistent basis, if you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, etc., look into your actions and don’t feed that emotion. As you do this, I promise you that you will start to feel better with time.

I would like to invite you to take the FREE course I created called The Path to Your Nirvana™, which is a 28 day course with 5 steps meant to help you live your own happiness by understanding first what is getting in the way of you being on your own path of happiness, how to overcome it, learning to understand your actions and focus and getting you to the path that your true essence has in store for you. There is a free bonus course with this course so it’s something for you to take advantage of. All you have to do is click on the link, put your name and email address.

If you love the blog, you will most certainly love my latest book Creating a Lifetime of Wellness: Start Having the Life You Deserve where I discuss topics that highly impact your well-being that perhaps you may not be aware of. You can purchase your copy on Amazon or on Barnes and Noble

You can also read the blog on your Kindle by clicking on the Amazon Kindle store at and you can listen to my online radio show at I now have a YouTube channel which I will ask that you subscribe for more tips to increase your well-being

And if you would like to bring even more nature into your home, you can do what I do when I need a pick-me-up o when I have a headache, etc. and use the following oils that help me have more balance in life and I’m sure it will help you as well. You can also contact me so that I can help you choose the oils that will best help you.





What Does It Mean to Live Fully?

I would dare to say that most of us are seeking to live fully. We are constantly seeking for more ways to feel happiness, fullness, satisfaction, etc. We have a tendency to try to numb our negative emotions and we live a life thinking that that’s the way we are supposed to live.

So how are we supposed to live? What does it mean to live fully? It is these questions that I know many ask themselves that I would like to address in today’s post.

The definition of living fully is going to be different for everyone. One thing that I must say that applies to everyone is that in order to live fully, it is YOUR meaning of living fully that matters most. No one else’s matters when it comes to you living your life. Keep in mind that other people will have their own perception of how you are living your life. It is not their perception that matters most, it is YOURS that matters most. Knowing this, not just with your mind but with your heart as well, is the first step to living fully.

So, how are you supposed to live? You are supposed to live according to what lights your soul up. You are supposed to live according to how you define life, as long as you are not hurting yourself or others. I mention this last thing because there are times when the things we do hurt not only us but others as well, but that is another topic to discuss on another post. You are meant to live without any toxic feelings poisoning you. You are meant to always express yourself in a way that is appropriate for others as well. There is also a big reason why I mention this which I will discuss another time.

What does it mean to live fully? In order for you to know what this means, you have to master yourself. You need to understand and know yourself in such a deep level. It is then that you will be able to live authentically, which leads you to living fully. For this to happen, you need to be willing to take responsibility of your life. Living fully requires you to live according to your own meaning of living life fully.

I used to be one who used to worry about what others thought of me. I can tell you from personal experience that this will cripple you. I used to be one who used to take other people’s thoughts and truths as my own. I can tell you from personal experience that this is one of the fastest ways to your void and feeling lost. I used to be one who used to go wherever the wind would blow, meaning that whatever others did, I would do. I can tell you from personal experience that by doing this, you lose your power.

I didn’t get to the point that I am in by doing the same thing I did before. I got to this point by mastering myself and by this I mean understanding myself. By doing my own inner work, by daring to dig deep, I am where I am. This is the key to living life fully. This is why the work that I do for others mean so much to me because I know what it can do for their overall life in the long run. You can live life fully but in order to do that, it has to be lived on your own terms but you need to know what those terms are.

Living fully isn’t complicated nor does it have to be this long, difficult journey. It takes willingness to do that work. Thank God I have had and still have my own coaches who coach me in my journey. You can’t grow alone. None of us grow alone. This is why I highly recommend everyone have their own coach to coach them through their own journey. If this is of interest to you, know that I offer a coaching program designed to help you master yourself to greater well-being. Just contact me for more info and to have a complimentary breakthrough session.

With today’s post, I want to encourage you to live life fully, which means a life where you are living on your own terms. Not anybody else’s terms. Remember that living fully doesn’t have to be complicated nor difficult and remember to enjoy the journey.

I would like to invite you to take the FREE course I created called The Path to Your Nirvana™, which is a 28 day course with 5 steps meant to help you live your own happiness by understanding first what is getting in the way of you being on your own path of happiness, how to overcome it, learning to understand your actions and focus and getting you to the path that your true essence has in store for you. There is a free bonus course with this course so it’s something for you to take advantage of. All you have to do is click on the link, put your name and email address.

If you love the blog, you will most certainly love my latest book Creating a Lifetime of Wellness: Start Having the Life You Deserve where I discuss topics that highly impact your well-being that perhaps you may not be aware of. You can purchase your copy on Amazon or on Barnes and Noble

You can also read the blog on your Kindle by clicking on the Amazon Kindle store at and you can listen to my online radio show at I now have a YouTube channel which I will ask that you subscribe for more tips to increase your well-being

And if you would like to bring even more nature into your home, you can do what I do when I need a pick-me-up o when I have a headache, etc. and use the following oils that help me have more balance in life and I’m sure it will help you as well. You can also contact me so that I can help you choose the oils that will best help you.





How You May Unknowingly Be Stepping Away From Your Power

Sometimes we do things we don’t realize that hurt us. We all want happiness, there is no denying of that but we sometimes unknowingly make ourselves unhappy. Being unhappy takes away from your well-being. Part of happiness is knowing and stepping into your power and it is because of this that I would like to write about how you may unknowingly be stepping away from your power.

You unknowingly step away from your power when you hold on to things, situations, people, relationships, etc. that don’t serve you or don’t make you happy. I know how hard it can be to let go, trust me I do. I have held on to people and situations for way too long that didn’t serve me at all. If anything, holding on to those people and situations were just a waste of my time and it made me feel worse and worse with time. So do yourself a favor and let go NOW of the things that no longer serve you. It is important to trust that things are still working out for your favor no matter what.

You unknowingly step away from your power when you are not honest with yourself. I believe I wrote a post on the importance of being honest with yourself even if it hurts. Being honest liberates you. It’s best to feel bad now for a little bit than feel really bad down the road because you were not honest with yourself. Honesty can be one of the hardest things to do but it is a must if you are to grow in well-being. It will liberate you from things and situations you don’t need in your life.

You unknowingly step away from your power when you are not grateful for what you have at this very moment. I don’t know how to describe it but there is something so soothing about thanking God, the universe, whatever you believe in, for all that you currently have. There is emotional and mental power in you being grateful for all you have right now. It brings joy, it brings peace and you will feel loved when you live in gratitude.

You unknowingly step away from your power when you focus on the things that go wrong instead of all the things that are right with your life. Your focus is everything. Your focus determines your energy, your perspective, your emotions, your current physical state since mind influences the way the body will be, etc. Focus on what’s right and more right things will come to you. If this doesn’t come easy, just take baby steps. Catch yourself when you focus on the negative things and change it to positive things.

You unknowingly step away from your power when your self-talk is negative. It’s important to learn to be your own cheerleader. Not all the time will those who usually cheer you up be there when you need them. This is why you need to learn to be your own cheerleader and you do this through your self-talk. If your vocabulary consists of negative words and phrases, this needs to be changed if you are to change your life. Be mindful of the words you use and be mindful of the energy behind those words. The energy, too, matters a lot.

This post would be very long if I were to list more ways that you may unknowingly step away from your power but pay attention to one key indicator that doesn’t lie and it is your emotions. If your emotions are negative emotions, pay attention to how you may have unknowingly stepped away from your power. Your emotions don’t lie. Start now to step into your power. Doing this will add greatly to your well-being.

If you love the blog, you will most certainly love my latest book Creating a Lifetime of Wellness: Start Having the Life You Deserve where I discuss topics that highly impact your well-being that perhaps you may not be aware of. You can purchase your copy on Amazon or on Barnes and Noble
You can also read the blog on your Kindle by clicking on the Amazon Kindle store at and you can listen to my online radio show at I now have a YouTube channel which I will ask that you subscribe for more tips to increase your well-being
And if you would like to bring even more nature into your home, you can do what I do when I need a pick-me-up o when I have a headache, etc. and use the following oils that help me have more balance in life and I’m sure it will help you as well. You can also contact me so that I can help you choose the oils that will best help you.

“Uplift Yourself”

Today as I’m sipping on my favorite brand of tea “Yogi tea”, I read the message that comes with the tea and it reads “Uplift others and uplift yourself”. The part that caught my attention was the “uplift yourself”. With so much that is going on in my life, it can be quite a challenge to uplift myself as I am sure that it is the same for others as well and so I thought of this importance after I read this.

There will be times in your life where others may not necessarily be there to uplift you and this is why it is very necessary to learn to uplift yourself. In the same way that you would encourage others, you need that same encouragement from yourself. “But how can I uplift myself when I have so much going on?” you may ask and what I can share is what I do on a daily basis to uplift myself.

I am aware that everyone’s belief may be different and I respect everyone’s belief and outlook in life so you can take the following advise in a way that suits you. I believe that prayer is one of the greatest ways to uplift yourself. There is something that I can not explain but that truly helps when you need encouragement.

Have faith or the belief that things will change and be better. That belief or faith helps you feel and think differently. It helps change your outlook on the situation. Without the belief or faith that things will be better, you will feel a heavy burden in you that just feels as if it’s dragging you down. This places weight on you that reflects everywhere you go.

Don’t forget to do things that make you happy. For everyone this will be different. For some it is reading, for others it is yoga, or perhaps going for a walk. It is crucial for you to do something that cheers you up because this helps you to relax. It is in a relaxed state that we can accomplish more and endure more.

Remember that you are loved. I think it is easy when one is going through so much or feeling sad or overwhelmed to think that they are lonely. Thinking in this manner just creates negative emotions within you that just doesn’t help. Remember that there are those who love you, who are influenced by you and who also depend on you. Knowing this will help you gain some strength since love is an empowering feeling.

These are just some of the many things that you can do to uplift yourself whenever you need encouragement. We sometimes tend to be so good at being there for others that we forget that we also need to be there for ourselves. This is part of taking care of yourself in order to ensure your well-being.